On our shelf...

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So here is a HUGE update...or just a huge post.

So what happened LAST week?
Yes, I know, I'm late updating it...but it was worth it.
My Auntie and T-dog decided to do pilates together.  
Well, Auntie decided to do pilates, T-dog decided to help.

Exercising with mommy part 1 @ Yahoo! Video

The video is a bit long, but really cute.

Little Widgie also got sick.
This is how she looks when she is sick.

You can tell she is sick because she has snot in her nose.
but she still smiles!

She is the happiest baby.

So the cita and I take the kids to school every morning.
On those mornings when it is grey outside, snow all over, and horrendous high school traffic,
we entertain ourselves by looking at the pattern the water makes on the windshield.
While we wait in the ridiculously long line at the 4-way-stop.

and then we make videos of the experience. :)

Let's go to school! @ Yahoo! Video

and take pictures of half-eaten candybars.

On a more mature note.
This last Saturday we got to be a stellar cleaning crew and deep clean our grandparents Wheeler's home.
It was a blast.

T-dog and Widgie also enjoyed themselves.

After some foot-popping fun cleaning,
the cita and I took the padre, Stephie, and bug to IKEA for the 1st time!
We had a blast!

Please, please, please, for my sake, notice that the cita's apple juice is for 'tots'.  
The padre got it for her.
We all found it appropriate. ♥ 

The padre fell in love with a VERY, VERY comfortable chair.

and we all fell in love with a couch.
...and sat there for the better part of 20 minutes.

I know this is long folks, but this is the end.
Our week ended on Sunday with our grandparents Wheeler's 52nd wedding anniversary.
It was full of good food, family,
and T-dog showing of his Nigh-Nigh blankie.

Nigh-Nigh Stephie and T-dog!

I will FINALLY close with a video of the padre and bug teaching T-dog how to play Yatzee!
They taught him how to blow on the dice.

Adios from the House of Nuts!!!
(at least for another few days, this update took FOREVER!)

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