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Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dear Jon...

I thought that I should probably share the letter that Otis and I wrote to Jon a week or two ago.
We loved writing it and reading it over, and over, and over again. 

Dear Jon,
(typed by Allison, dictated by Otis)
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Erica (sometimes referred to as Otis by Aliswan)...you may have heard of me, I make your sister run incredible distances.  When I found out your name was Jon I could not resist writing you a 'dear Jon'.  You are my first and last dear jon...hopefully because missionaries are to young for a woman of my beauty and maturity. (that last sentence may have been written by aliswan) I hear we have a few things in common.  I run, you run.  You pull muscles, I pull your sisters muscles.  You run into garage doors with cars, I lose my keys.  I was wondering, has your dad changed your windshield wipers, because he has changed mine.  The other day I got an ice cream CONE.  I hear that you are the expert in dubbing coneheads.  I feel left out.  Just thought I should mention that. I understand that your mother feels left out about not being a cone-labeler.  
I enjoy visiting your house on a regular basis.  As a soon to be anthropology graduate I have decided to study your family and their focus on methane gasses.  Do you find that your severity of gas production has increased or decreased during your time away from home?  The purpose of this study is to discover the possible genetic or environmental connection in your family to the excretion of methane gas.  Another part of this study will involve timing your familia and seeing how long it takes them to bring up the subject upon my arrival.  Today for example, it only took them one hour before it was mentioned (usually it's a lot less, for example, when I open the door). We (meaning just me) appreciate your participation in this groundbreaking study.  All results/responses will be kept as confidential as possible.  I would like to keep you anonymous...what would you like your code name to be?...may I suggest Rocketman?  
In all seriousness, I enjoy your family...except Bug, she is a bit hmmmmmm.....I'm sure you understand, you are a 'J' after all.  I'm not sure what that means, Aliswan is typing....hey Jon! (love Aliswan).  Well, it's Sunday evening, the missionary has been written, and I hope you won't think me to weird when we actually meet when you come home.  Tootles! (notice that the toot in Tootles is a gas noise, Aliswan knows you have a hard time with puns).
-Erica/Otis/anthropological professional/archaeologist/runner extraordinaire/swimmer in training/captain awesome.

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