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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Family time--nut style

So yesterday evening we got to spend some family time together and it was pretty great. The padre, Stephie and Aliswan got to go to the temple together while the cita and bug ran some errands.
The temple was so beautiful. After we got out of the temple we decided that it was warm enough to walk around the grounds. It's the end of January so obviously it doesn't look like this picture (there is still snow everywhere), but we walked around the grounds anyway. It was the most beautiful time of day. The view from the entrance of the temple is surreal. You can see across the valley to Utah Lake and yesterday there was the most beautiful sunset. It was a gorgeous time to be together at the temple.
After the cita and bug picked us up we went home, got Deruda, and went to Golden Corral. Anyone who knows our family knows how much we love buffets. It was soooooo good.
On the way the the padre tried to take some pictures but for some reason they kept turning out a little strange. So being the nuts we are, we decided to play with that a bit. Make sure to check out Bug's face in the back. It is often priceless. Also check Deruda's...it is often...doing nothing.

Deruda is in the back trying to act cool while Bug is laughing at his attempt.
Stephie cowering in fear as Aliswan gets after her for farting in the middle of the night...all the time. Bug attempts to be supportive while Deruda is...indifferent (because he does it too!).
On an ending note I would like to share a story:
Once upon a time there was a pumpkin that was purchased at Halloween.
Why did the padre purchase this particular pumpkin?
Well, because it was super cheap.
Why was it so cheap?
So what did we do?
Place it on a rock outside with it's rotting side hidden from the world.
...and then...
it was promptly forgotten until a massive snow storm hit and the snow from it buried the pumpkin alive and half rotten.
And then the poor members of the House of Nuts could not remember if we ever threw the rotting pumpkin away or if it was still on that rock in front of the house...it was discussed, questioned but then forgotten.
Until a little bit ago when suddenly the snow melted and there was a frozen, rotting pumpkin, on a rock in front of our house.
So what did Stephie do?
Kick it.
After which it promptly collapsed.
Rotting pumpkin, if we ever remove you from that rock in front of the house,
may you rest in peace.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wii like to play!!!--DDR and Mariokart

Wii are loving the Wii! Our favorite games on the Wii include:
Wii Resort: Basically all the games--this one is awesome folks. The padre and the cita both enjoy slicing things like eggs, bread and sushi at accelerated rates. Stephie is killer at dueling in Swordplay. (haha 'killing' get it?)

Wii Play--Bug and Aliswan love the shooting game while Deruda loves the tanks.
Mariokart--the most played and one of the favorites. On New Years Eve Otis annihilated all of us to win her first Grand Prix. She was proud, we were proud, so we took a pic to commemorate the event.

DDR--not played everyday or anything but when we do play, we play for hours. Pretty decent workout really. Here is an example: :)

Wii like to DDR @ Yahoo! Video

Finally, on the family end of things, Bug had a concert for her ballroom class at school.

Aliswan had fun getting her ready and she had a blast performing.

Bug also learned how to put on fire-engine red lipstick for the first time! I'm really not sure how important that is in the big scheme of things but...oh well.

So there is the most current update of some of the nuts in our House of Nuts!