On our shelf...

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We took them on a date...

A while back...quite a ways back actually, Jen and I planned a scavenger hunt date for the madre and the padre.

They had a fun night.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Taking time out.

I realize it has been a long time.
I keep meaning to be better...and then fail.
So I will give some kind of photo update soon.
Because one is way overdue.
But here is a bite for today.
Over the weekend the padre, the cita, bug and I went and saw Tangled.

We LOVED it.
I mean really.
It is probably one of my favorite Disney movies EVER.
There is just not much else to say on its awesome amazingness.
...and yes I know that is not a word.

After the movie we went through the shops at Riverwoods.  
They had a whole Christmas Village thing going on which was really cool.

All-in-all a magical evening.
We are all excited for Christmas break.
The little juan and stephie come home this weekend,
Aliswan finishes next week,
and Deruad and the bug finish some time after that.
Good times.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Quick summary.

Quick summary of the past few weeks?
We had a mini family vacation.
The pictures were taken on my phone so don't expect sharp clarity.

The little juan returned from his mission in Peru.
He asks every question by saying, "No?"
The padre and I took Stephie and the little Juan down to Cedar City to school.
He came to breakfast in a tie.
Which was pretty awesome.

In other news...
the Bug is catching 50 bugs and putting them in the freezer to die and preserve for her Biology class.
Last night the padre hurriedly stopped the car because we saw a katydid in the road.
Which they caught with her bug-catching net.


So there you go.  Not nearly enough but hopefully I will be able to post more soon.
There is definitely enough going on.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm such a slacker.

I have been really slacking in my blogging duties.
So here is a sadly condensed 
and sadly sparse (considering how exciting things are around here) update.
First off we are finally getting ready to sell our Tooele house.
We have been cleaning it and fixing it up for some time now.

Believe me, it took a while.
I took lots of pictures of the place where I grew up 
but here is my favorite and possibly the most sad.

This is where we measured ourselves since we were little.
Here is the disappearing act.

No more.  
It has now been painted.

So, good times.
Everyone is doing well.
We have been having a holiday of sorts this week.
the little juan is coming home in...
...wait for it...
7 DAYS!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
There you go. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Burn baby burn.

Today as the Cita and I (Aliswan) were running errands we noticed smoke from up on the mountain.
We noticed in 1 area.
Then in 2 areas.
Then in an area that looked right next to our house.
We walked over 1 street down from our house and watched the awesome firemen douse the fire.

At first we thought it might be a controlled burn but then we heard that not only was it accidental but there were also 4 others suspicious fires.  They are looking for a black SUV at the moment that was seen near some of the fires.
So there is the exciting news for the day.
The end.