On our shelf...

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A week in the Nuthouse.

My little brother (the little juan) and his best friend used to make music videos when they were bored.  They would spend hours choreographing silly dances, creating costumes made out of beanies and sunglasses, and memorize the words so they could lip-sync.  Apparently that is something my familia really loves to do.  We don't always make music videos, but making videos is something we love to do.  On Monday Otis came over for dinner and after teaching her how to play Ninja Destruction (don't ask, don't tell), we made these two videos.
The first is about how to Neutralize Your Opponent 101--using just your toes.  Enjoy!

The next video is an examination on how to fall gracefully.  This is our first and only take...it's painful, we didn't want to fall more than once. :)

So there are quite a few more than these and they will be posted at some random point when I get them off my ipod. :)
On the male side of things, here is a few things that have happened this week:
Deruda made his first batch of cinnamon rolls--BY HIMSELF!!!
I took pictures to commemorate the occasion.
(yes he is shirtless underneath that apron, I'm not sure if that makes this better or worse)

Deruda is super excited that he didn't kill the yeast.  I have the 'prettiest' brother.  Isn't he adorable?

Here is the finished product.

Another story for this week is when I told the padre that I had a new device that would help him breathe better.  
I think it actually worked a little bit.

Don't worry, I hadn't used them since I got my pedicure.  :)  
We are a vindictive bunch sometimes. :)

So there is the familia update.  We are happy, mostly healthy, and going strong!  We are more excited for spring then we can possibly express though.  

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