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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wii like to play!!!--DDR and Mariokart

Wii are loving the Wii! Our favorite games on the Wii include:
Wii Resort: Basically all the games--this one is awesome folks. The padre and the cita both enjoy slicing things like eggs, bread and sushi at accelerated rates. Stephie is killer at dueling in Swordplay. (haha 'killing' get it?)

Wii Play--Bug and Aliswan love the shooting game while Deruda loves the tanks.
Mariokart--the most played and one of the favorites. On New Years Eve Otis annihilated all of us to win her first Grand Prix. She was proud, we were proud, so we took a pic to commemorate the event.

DDR--not played everyday or anything but when we do play, we play for hours. Pretty decent workout really. Here is an example: :)

Wii like to DDR @ Yahoo! Video

Finally, on the family end of things, Bug had a concert for her ballroom class at school.

Aliswan had fun getting her ready and she had a blast performing.

Bug also learned how to put on fire-engine red lipstick for the first time! I'm really not sure how important that is in the big scheme of things but...oh well.

So there is the most current update of some of the nuts in our House of Nuts!

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