On our shelf...

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And then there was none.

This weekend we moved the Unkie, Auntie, T-dog, and Widgie out.  
It was a sad, sad, moment but there are always ways to bump up the happiness factor.  
Such as Bug wearing hot pink high heels.
Here is a few stills from the day:
Auntie Karen, in her sweet In-N-Out shirt.
Bug and I
Bug and I after packing, moving, unpacking and moving more stuff.
the Padre vacuuming the dust that was under the TV downstairs.
We had to vacuum because it was nasty thick.
Don't judge us, you would write in the dust to...
although I do believe the writing is still there, in storage, in the basement.
At least we are humorous cleaners.

So there was the move.


Sunday was good.  The best part was when the cita burned the last pan of rolls.
Yes those are rolls you dirty reader, get your mind out of the toilet. :)
Also you will notice, or you may not, that I changed the blog template.
It used to look like this:
Now it looks...well like it does now.
Change is good.
In fact, almost everyone has recently (blogger and life wise)
Stephie did, as did Aliswan.
Still working out the kinks.

So there you go.
Lots of change afoot.
Aliswan graduates next week,
then leaves for Syria the week after, 
and starts grad school in August.
the little juan comes home from his mission in August,
after which he will promptly head back to university.
Stephie graduates from high school at the end of May,
and starts university with Jon, in August.
Deruda is going to his first prom in the next little bit,
and will be starting his junior year of high school in the fall.
Bug also starts high school in August.
Basically everyone is growing up, moving on, and going crazy.
Because that is what we do.

We are 'the nuts' in the House of Nuts after all.

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