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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What is Unique?

You know that saying, "You are unique...just like everybody else"?
Yeah that is soooooo not the case in the House of Nuts.
We are unique
You'll never meet anyone else like us
You may never want to.

So what makes us unique?
Lots and lots and lots and lots....
and lots of things.

I'll just share one today--Deruda

Deruda enjoys running on the treadmill
but on this day he decided it would be 'cooler' to run in his socks
until he realized that smashing your feet into a hard plastic surface for an extended period of time is...well...not comfortable.
(this one's a bright bulb folks)
Unfortunately his socks are now a little bit dirty
but poor Deruda didn't want the INSIDE of his running shoes to be dirty
so what does he do?
puts on his nice Sunday shoes
because apparently Sunday shoes can be dirty on the inside.
What else can be said?
Except maybe to share this video of him attempting to dance,
on the treadmill
in his clean-on-the-outside-dirty-on-the-inside Sunday shoes.
We should probably come up with an acronym for that
or maybe
yep, that'll work
Here you go:

On the Cita side of things, I took pictures of her at school today.  
It was crazy hair day or hat day
She wore a hat
I think she looks kind of French
and adorable
The cita is a short woman
but that is why we love her
and tease her without mercy.
♥ ♥ ♥

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