On our shelf...

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We took them on a date...

A while back...quite a ways back actually, Jen and I planned a scavenger hunt date for the madre and the padre.

They had a fun night.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Taking time out.

I realize it has been a long time.
I keep meaning to be better...and then fail.
So I will give some kind of photo update soon.
Because one is way overdue.
But here is a bite for today.
Over the weekend the padre, the cita, bug and I went and saw Tangled.

We LOVED it.
I mean really.
It is probably one of my favorite Disney movies EVER.
There is just not much else to say on its awesome amazingness.
...and yes I know that is not a word.

After the movie we went through the shops at Riverwoods.  
They had a whole Christmas Village thing going on which was really cool.

All-in-all a magical evening.
We are all excited for Christmas break.
The little juan and stephie come home this weekend,
Aliswan finishes next week,
and Deruad and the bug finish some time after that.
Good times.